Oahu guitar identification
Oahu guitar identification

oahu guitar identification

Now if they want to change the festival name to "The Hawaiian Artists That Play Guitar Festival" then nobody can complain. Now we can get into the argument of what is kihoalu but I'll leave that to the experts but to me, like Doug said, you can't just tune down a few strings and call it kihoalu, there's more to it than that. I'm not knocking any of the musicians because they are all damn good musicians and for the most part I enjoy their music, but if a festival is advertised to be a kihoalu festival then you would think that's what you would expect to be performed.

oahu guitar identification

If you went to a concert that was advertised as being an oldies doo wop show and ended up being heavy metal half the time, would you not question that. I also used to be a hula dancer and similar to this issue, it would really irk me to see commercials or things on tv talking about hula when they are showing tahitian dancing (it's probably irk'd a lot of people). I think what most people have a problem with is something being advertised as being kihoalu when it is not. It's not about whether or not someone can play traditional kihoalu or not cuz we all know most of these guys can play it and play it good. I think that is what the true issue is about. I think Doug hit the nail right on the head with his last paragraph. Oahu Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Festival Aug 16 Performance/Event Announcements & Reviews Oahu Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Festival Aug 16

Oahu guitar identification